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Celebrate Summer Mindfully

  6 Mindful Ways to Celebrate Summer If you are looking to create or experience rituals for summer solstice, there are several ways you can start celebrating this time of year. Consider the following six practices you can make a daily/weekly routine this summer. 1. Meditate with the Rising Sun Begin your day early, seated in the direction of the rising sun. Close your eyes and feel the expanding light against your skin and closed eyes. Cultivate gratitude for the sun and close your practice by reflecting on the gifts it brings. 2. Intention Setting Another practice is to set intentions – either for the day or for the year ahead. Many see the summer as a time ripe for new beginnings, so this could be a prime time to get clear on what you’d like to focus on in the year ahead. Write down your intentions in a journal. 3. Gratitude Journaling Another written practice to consider is gratitude journaling. Reflect on what this time of year means to you. What gifts does it bring?

How to Streamline Your Daily Schedule and Increase Efficiency

 Do you usually feel like there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you need to do? Sometimes it seems like the laundry or the dishes will just have to wait until later. I know for me, when I let things accumulate, I get overwhelmed, and then I either don't do anything at all, or I look for a distraction, usually food or shopping. The thing still doesn't get done, and it's a perpetual cycle.    That's why   as hard as it is, we must do things when we need to. Otherwise, they don't get done at all. Or we find ourselves having to do them when we truly don’t have the time for them. Then, inevitably, something else has to be put off.   This scenario also applies to work. When a project has a deadline, it’s important to devote all of your undivided attention to it, or it won't get completed. Time management is a critical aspect of every job – from planning to executing.   Your schedule needs to be structured to support efficiency and

The Worst Time Management Mistakes You're Probably Making

 Can you answer "How well do you manage your time" with a straight face? Like most people, you probably find it challenging to answer that question. It's better to think about your time as an asset, not as a burdensome thing that you have to figure out how to use.   By taking some time to understand how you spend your time, you can begin to make significant steps toward better time management.   That does not mean it's a walk in the park. On the contrary, it's hard work, demanding a lot of dedication. However, once you start to see the benefits of your improved time management, it will increase the motivation to keep at it.   Consider these time management mistakes you might be making:   Procrastination. This pattern is one of the biggest timewasters of all. Procrastination ruins the day. If you're constantly waiting for things to happen, you're always behind schedule. You literally can't get things done on time becau

14 Ways to Relax Without Alcohol or Food

For many of us, the days of going to the bar  to unwind after a stressful day at work are long gone. But it's still important to find ways to unwind and chillax after a stressful or, heck, even after any day. Getting into a new, healthy routine can be challenging, but here are some simple ways to destress without consuming alcohol or taking in extra unwanted calories from eating the stress away. Let's face it, we can substitute food for our addiction all too easily.  When we substitute food for our addictions, we are just reiterating that  consumption is the only way to relax.   You can’t remove stress from daily life, but you can learn to deal with it without creating more troubles. Start with these ideas for relaxing without alcohol or food.   Calorie-Free Ways to Relax on Your Own:   1.      Breathe deeply. Pause and take a few calming breaths. Inhale from down in your diaphragm instead of up in your chest. Lengthen your exhalations to match your inhalations. Fo

What Baby Shark Can Teach You About Success

 What makes Baby Shark so catchy? It’s a children’s song and a top 40 hit that appeals to kids and adults around the world. It has spawned dozens of variations and its own line of toys. It’s been viewed more than one and a half billion times on YouTube.   By now, you’ve probably seen the video regardless of whether you have any small children at home. Maybe you’ve even danced along as the family of sharks goes hunting and cheered for the happy ending where everyone winds up safe.   There’s plenty of unpredictable magic behind any internet sensation. However, you can tap into some of the ingredients that make these little sharks such a success and apply them to your recovery, starting with these 3 basic principles.   The Value of Simplicity The song is only 1 or 2 minutes long, and most of the lyrics consist of repeating the sound DO . Free up your time, save money, and reduce stress by getting down to basics. There is a lot of meaning to the old saying, "Keep It Simp

Discovering Your Self-Worth Despite Challenging Circumstances

  Does life seem to be a struggle for you? Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated much of the time? Do you wish you could experience something better? Fortunately, you can enjoy the exciting life you deserve.   Success is available to you despite challenging circumstances. It's important to remember, also, that your self-worth is not defined by your circumstances.   What holds you back? Take some time today to question the beliefs you hold that limit your potential. If you look at a challenging circumstance as a wall that's impossible to climb, you need a fresh perspective. Within you is everything you need to thrive and excel. The more you question the validity of your limiting beliefs, the more success you'll experience in your life.   Think of a circumstance in your life that you believe is preventing you from something you want. Write it down, then get ready to challenge that limiting belief. If you do, you'll begin to move toward the success you des

How to Break the Cycle of Anxiety and Enjoy Social Situations

 Most people have felt social anxiety at some point in their lives. It can be intimidating to be in situations that include many unfamiliar people. It can be even more intimidating if you're shy by nature.   Social anxiety can be overcome, though. Everyone's personality is different, but you can change the way you respond socially no matter what your personality is like. With a little effort in the right strategies, you'll be more at ease at the next party or meeting you attend.   Try these tips and guidelines to help you to break your cycle of social anxiety:   1.      Practice makes perfect. If your social interactions are few and far between, you limit your chances of success in these situations. Instead of avoiding social situations, start by seeking small, less intimidating opportunities to practice social interaction.   2.      Be yourself. Remember that people generally want to get to know the real you. Most people you meet will be just as nervous a