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The Surprising Link Between Diet and Depression

Not all antidepressants come in a pill. A new study suggests that food can dramatically enhance your mood.   Researchers at Deakin University in Australia tested the theory on a group of participants with unhealthy diets who experienced moderate to severe depression. Half were asked to switch to a modified Mediterranean diet and nutritional counseling, while the other half continued their usual eating habits.   After 12 weeks, the Mediterranean-style diet group had significantly fewer symptoms, and 32% were in full remission. The other half, who received only social support, showed far less progress.   While these results are dramatic, you don’t have to be clinically depressed to reap the benefits of eating more produce. Another study at the University of Otago in New Zealand found that extra servings of vegetables and fruits boosted the psychological well-being of healthy young adults in just 2 weeks.   See how changing your diet could cheer you up. Run through this list and go visit

6 Tricks to Stop Anxious Thoughts in Their Tracks

 Do you have racing thoughts and anxiety? It’s hard to focus on anything else when anxiety takes control of your mind. You’re filled with worries and uncertainties. You can’t calm down or rest. Fortunately, there are ways to control anxious thoughts, and it just takes practice to master the techniques.   Try these tips to control your anxiety:   Distance yourself from the worrisome thoughts. Learn to look at your anxious thoughts in a different way.   ○       The key is to reshape how you think about things.   ○       When you get an anxious thought, immediately identify it as a sign of your worry and not reality.   ○       Labeling your thoughts correctly raises self-awareness and makes it easier to control them. It also gives you something else to focus on instead of constant worry.   Ask yourself questions. When you get an anxious thought, stop and ask yourself these questions:   ○       What is the real reason for this anxious thought? What

Take back your power and control your sh**t

W hat’s standing in the way of you reaching the level of success you desire, enjoying a great relationship, or seeing your abs for the first time? Is the problem that you don’t know enough? No. Is there too much competition? Not even close. The only obstacle is a lack of mastery over yourself. Don’t believe it?   You will.   Are you in great shape? Do you only eat healthy foods? Why not? Is it because you’re confused about which foods are healthy and which are not? Are you confused about whether it’s better to exercise by running down the block or by sitting on the couch?   Hardly.   You know enough to make significant changes in your life. Knowledge isn’t the challenge. The challenge is managing yourself and your behaviors.   Haven’t had a date in a year? Are you confused about how to get a date? The key to getting dates is to ask people out. How many people have you asked out in the last week? How many new people have you spoken to in the last week?   Are

Five New Mobile Apps to Boost Your Productivity

T oday , your mobile phone can do many things for you, including enhancing your productivity! Whether you use an Android or iPhone, you can download many third-party applications that help you get more out of your day.   Consider these apps to help you avoid time wasters and get more done:   1.      Evernote: Evernote allows you to take and organize notes. Not only can you access your notes from your phone, but with an Evernote account, you can use them from anywhere with an internet connection. The app itself is free and offers 40 MB of storage space, but you can upgrade to 500 MB of space for $5/month. 2.      ReQall: This is another to-do list app with both free and premium versions. For scheduling convenience, it syncs with your Google and Outlook calendars, and allows you to keep text and voice memos and reminders in a synced account. Also, you have the option to automatically convert your voice memos into text notes. ·        The "Pro" version is $24.9

Busyness does not necessarily equal success

  Break the Cycle of Excessive Busyness   Trying to squeeze too many activities into too few hours can leave you overwhelmed. Maybe you’re bragging about how busy you are because it secretly makes you feel important and successful. Maybe you’re under financial and family pressures that outstrip your resources.   Either way, there’s an epidemic of excessive busyness among modern adults that leaves us feeling rushed, discontent, and short on time. Try these major and minor solutions for managing your time and becoming more productive.   Major Antidotes to Excessive Busyness   1.      Turn off your phone. Being connected all day long obviously plays a big role in feeling overwhelmed. Switch off your devices at least two hours before you go to bed. Try spending a day away from social media. 2.      Live mindfully. Engage fully with whatever you’re doing. Focus on one task at a time. You’ll reduce stress and enhance the quality of your work. 3.      Choose your prior

Procrastination is a waste of time

  P rocrastination is one of the biggest traps that adults can fall into. Inevitably there are projects at home or tasks at work that we just don't want to do. They're boring, difficult, or just seemingly unimportant. Even as kids, we had moments of procrastination; after all, how many times did your mother have to hound you to clean your room?   We live in a world where quick entertainment is at our fingertips. Switch on the television, turn on the radio, or plug in the iPod. All of these fun alternatives can ultimately prevent us from completing the tasks at hand. But of course, this gets us nowhere, fast!   What is Time Management?     All people are granted only 24 hours in any given day.  How you choose to use that time  is what differentiates the procrastinators from the proficient time managers.   Learning time management techniques will help you plan your day, so you know exactly what has to be accomplished. It's much easier to get motivated in the morning if you kn