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Showing posts with the label what motivates you?

Its too cold outside, and other great excuses

 I was supposed to go for a walk this morning. My daughter called and asked if I wanted to go to her house for lunch. It's been a while since I went to visit her and I had been working very hard at work, school, and creating my online course. So I was happy for the break. I finished some homework in the morning and I figured I could go for a walk with her and my grandson. It was very chilly outside. We did go outside to play for a bit but no walk. I haven't' been getting my walks in after work because it gets dark early and by the time I get home it's too dark.  These are my top three excuses; lack of time, it's too dark, and my favorite             It's too cold out!!! I need to find a way. I need to change the plan. I know when things are not working and I'm not achieving my goal I need to change the plan not the goal!! change of plan 1. On my days off go in the morning before I do anything else and get distracted 2. Take a break at w...

Where are you going?!

What is it about hitting a milestone in your life that makes you freak out?        I remember turning thirty and thinking I'm a stay at home mom, I need to have this perfect home, be the perfect wife and all will be well. Ok miss Cleaver how did that work out for ya? By the time I hit forty I was full blown alcoholic in rehab and not home and kids not speaking to me. I've done a lot of stupid stuff that led me to that point. Stuff I can't change.       And so now here I sit 48 going on 49 and feeling like Whoa, where has my life gone?! Now I did clean up my act. I now work as a case manager for an addiction treatment facility and my kids do speak to me. I actually have a grandson that has stolen my heart. I am blessed. I live with my sister and her husband, which isn't the worst thing in the world but I want more. I'm also in school trying to better my life. But like I said I want more. Every time I think about wanting more my heart races and my ...