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Showing posts with the label personal change

Cultivating Courage

  Are your fears holding you back from living the life you deserve? Do you wish you could show more courage in your day-to-day dealings with others?   If you had more courage, maybe you could ask for that raise you've been waiting for, feel more confident in closing that next sale, or even invite the girl of your dreams to go out on a date! The possibilities are endless!   But what is courage, really? Courage is the ability to continue moving forward even in the face of challenge, adversity, and fear. Without fear, there could be no bravery. So being courageous is largely about managing fear as best you can and still taking the best action available to you. Courage Is Like A Psychological Muscle.   Being brave is similar to lifting weights. The more you participate, the easier it becomes. Alternatively, the more you're willing to use and accept fear as an excuse not to move forward, the easier that path becomes. You get good at the things you practice re...

Change Your Life in 30 Days: A Process That Really Works

  Significantly changing your life in 30 days really is possible, although not always easy. But even though this adventure is often a big challenge, the payoffs can be enormous.   We've all taken on challenges of one sort of another for 30 days. Maybe you tried a diet or an exercise program. Perhaps you decided to give up TV for 30 days. Even if you didn't stick with the program long-term, the results were great, weren't they? Now imagine if you expanded that idea to incorporate many areas of your life.   This program includes implementing several 30-day challenges simultaneously. You can use these suggestions or develop your own. Try creating a 30-day challenge from each category, and see where your new adventures lead you. 1.      Adjust your finances. Making more money or spending less is always a good financial theme. Alternatively, you might try balancing your accounts each day. 2.      Kick start your physical hea...

Coping with Personal Change

Below is an excerpt from my article Coping with Personal Change. If you are interested in reading the whole article please comment below with your email and I will send it to you for free!  Coping with Personal Change   Changes often bring with them a feeling of fear, panic, or grief, followed by denial, and finally, acceptance. Such reactions are common in someone who has just lost a loved one or gotten fired from his job.     In the case of a loved one’s death, grief is important. If you refrain from grieving, you block your transformation, and with it, your return to normalcy. Coming to terms with your loss is important and may help prevent long-term depression.   ”If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obliga...