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Showing posts with the label fear

Get out of the box!!!

  I joyfully anticipate doing things out of the ordinary. Ok, maybe not joyfully but I do my best to  do things out of the ordinary because I know that, by going outside of my comfort zone, I am equipping myself for a brighter future.   My past is my teacher and prepares me for the future. I let go of the idea that what I have gone through previously will dictate my fate. I can take comfort in knowing that because of my past I am a stronger woman today.  I let go of the fear that has kept me repeating the same patterns over and over and, instead, I reach for something new and better!   I recognize that the path is not always straight and clearly lit. I let go of the idea that I must be able to see every eventuality before I start out. If I can see the step in front of me, that is enough. This is frightening at times, yet I let go of the idea that I should be able to branch out without nervousness. Jitters - and even outright fear - are inevitable whe...

Coping with Personal Change

Below is an excerpt from my article Coping with Personal Change. If you are interested in reading the whole article please comment below with your email and I will send it to you for free!  Coping with Personal Change   Changes often bring with them a feeling of fear, panic, or grief, followed by denial, and finally, acceptance. Such reactions are common in someone who has just lost a loved one or gotten fired from his job.     In the case of a loved one’s death, grief is important. If you refrain from grieving, you block your transformation, and with it, your return to normalcy. Coming to terms with your loss is important and may help prevent long-term depression.   ”If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obliga...

Eliminate Your Fear of Rejection and Enhance Your Whole Life

  What would your life look like if you were free from worrying about the opinions of others? What if seeking the approval of other people failed to enter your mind? How would it change your life? Our lives are negatively influenced by the fear of rejection. It holds us back in so many ways and limits our ability to experience the positive aspects of life.   Consider these ideas to banish your fear of rejection:   1.      Rejection is largely a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you’re constantly worried about rejection, it changes the way you act. You become anxious and defensive. Those actions may cause you to be rejected by others. After all, who wants to spend time with someone who’s unpleasant to be around?   ·        Consider how this fear is affecting your behavior. Are you acting in a way that’s causing others to reject you?   2.      Focus on how you want to feel. Most peo...