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Showing posts with the label comfort zone

Uncomfortable times encourage me to make prudent choices

   In life, there are good days and days with an opportunity to enhance my circumstances. I look forward to both because they serve as growth opportunities.   Being outside of my comfort zone is a little unsettling but I am brave. I know that I am adaptable and creative. Those attributes bring comfort. I can get through it. I have a 100% success rate of surviving this far!!   Newness in any aspect of my life provides the opportunity to observe. Sitting still and taking in all that is happening around me allows me to adjust to norms. It gives me the chance to understand what I am involved in and decide my next course of action.   I am sometimes uncomfortable when I am required to manage competing for financial obligations. But I stay cool, consider what would be the wisest option, and then stick with my plan. If I make a mistake I learn. I either win or learn. But if I don't make a decision or I try to stay in my comfort zone I don't learn, and I d...

Get out of the box!!!

  I joyfully anticipate doing things out of the ordinary. Ok, maybe not joyfully but I do my best to  do things out of the ordinary because I know that, by going outside of my comfort zone, I am equipping myself for a brighter future.   My past is my teacher and prepares me for the future. I let go of the idea that what I have gone through previously will dictate my fate. I can take comfort in knowing that because of my past I am a stronger woman today.  I let go of the fear that has kept me repeating the same patterns over and over and, instead, I reach for something new and better!   I recognize that the path is not always straight and clearly lit. I let go of the idea that I must be able to see every eventuality before I start out. If I can see the step in front of me, that is enough. This is frightening at times, yet I let go of the idea that I should be able to branch out without nervousness. Jitters - and even outright fear - are inevitable whe...

Pushing the Envelope

 Some believe that fate determines their lives. Others abide by the expression, “Life is what you make it.” Although it’s fine to believe in fate, if you want something different, exhilarating, or exciting in life, it might not work out so well to sit around waiting for fate to produce it. Instead, why not see your life as something you have a hand in?         Use these strategies to create the adventures you yearn for:   Try something different. Shake up your routine. For example, if every Friday night you go to the same restaurant for seafood, this Friday, go to the new vegetarian restaurant across town. Or go crazy and go on Thursday! Stop taking the path of least resistance. It’s not unusual to take the path you perceive as “safe”– that provides you with the least obstacles and roadblocks. However, sometimes, you might be compelled to take a rougher road, especially if the end result provides a great adventure. Struggle now to win great...

Erase Your Limits: Expand Your Comfort Zone in 6 Steps

Of all the valuable skills you’ll acquire, learning to deal effectively with discomfort is one of the most important. Consider all the times you’ve wanted to do something but either never started or came up short. It’s likely that your inability to handle the resulting discomfort was the cause.   If you could handle discomfort better, you would never procrastinate, never quit a diet, exercise every day, and complete everything you ever wanted to accomplish.   Most of us avoid discomfort at all costs. It’s the biggest limiting factor for most people. But, a little discomfort can be a good thing. Even a lot of discomfort is a good thing if you want to change your life quickly.   Unfortunately, avoiding discomfort quickly becomes a habit. You instantly feel better when you evade the thing that’s causing the discomfort. It becomes a preferred coping mechanism. It also self-imposes limits.   The good news is you can free yourself from these limits!   The ke...

Break Out of Your Comfort Zone and Free Yourself from a Self-Imposed Prison

 Perhaps you’ve developed a habit of remaining in your comfort zone. It’s easy to do. Yet, you’ve also lately wanted to try some new things and meet some new friends. Rest assured that your life will become much more interesting when you decide to leave your safe zone behind you.   Ponder these points about breaking out of your comfort zone:   1.      Remaining in your comfort zone for too long robs you of growing. When you stretch yourself a bit, you’ll find yourself reaching out as a tree toward the sun. ·        If you get too comfortable and rarely try to do anything new, how will you grow? 2.      Making one change in your routine can open you up to new experiences. For example, if you usually go to the health club to jog on the treadmill and lift free weights, try a spinning or aerobics class one morning a week instead. 3.      In order to grow, you’re require...