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Showing posts with the label being present

Are you living your life with intention?

 There’s a lot of talk about intentional living. But what does that really mean? Intentional living is living with purpose and making decisions that support that purpose.   It’s the opposite of what most people do. Most people are satisfied with the status quo and only take action to deal with their disasters as they happen along the way.   Intentional living is about choosing the type of person you want to be and the type of life you want to live and then holding yourself to it .   Steps to living an intentional life and stop relying on luck:   Understand that choices matter. An intentional life is all about making choices that make sense for you and your beliefs. Your choices determine the direction of your life and are the first step to creating the results you experience. ●       Your greatest power is the power of decision. ●       Your past doesn’t ...

Present Moment Mindset - Bringing Eastern Philosophy to the West

 You may have been advised to spend more time in the "present moment," but what does this really mean? Present moment thinking has been the concentration of eastern religions for thousands of years.  Religion And Philosophy   Some people are tempted to turn away immediately when Eastern philosophy is brought up just because they think it might threaten their core religious beliefs. There are no religious impositions, though; the present moment is available to everyone in every moment, no matter who you are. In fact, most religions, in one way or another, agree with the belief of living in the moment, not in the past or future.   Eastern Religions And The Present Moment   There are many different divisions of religion in the East, just like the West. Many of them differ with certain beliefs and philosophies, but many agree on the importance of the present moment.  In recent decades, the West has been picking up on these ancient philosophies, and ...