I joyfully anticipate doing things
out of the ordinary.
Ok, maybe not joyfully but I do my best to do things out of the ordinary because I know that, by going outside of my comfort zone, I am equipping myself for a brighter future.
My past is my teacher and prepares me for the future. I let go of the idea that what I
have gone through previously will dictate my fate. I can take comfort in knowing that because of my past I am a stronger woman today. I let go of the fear that
has kept me repeating the same patterns over and over and, instead, I reach for
something new and better!
I recognize that the path is not always straight and clearly lit. I let go of the idea that I must be able to see every eventuality before I start out. If I can see the step in front of me, that is enough.
This is frightening at times, yet I let go of the idea that I should be able to branch out without nervousness. Jitters - and even outright fear - are inevitable when I step into unfamiliar territory. I do not berate myself for my anxiety; instead, I merely make the choice to step out anyway, to push on through any fear I may feel.
I know that life is full of opportunities for growth, creativity, and
happiness, but I must take the initiative to reach for them. I do so eagerly,
despite my hesitancies, because I crave a depth of richness and fulfillment
that is only available to me.
I am willing to let go of
my past, so I can enjoy the gifts
of a new world of experiences.
Are you willing?
Ask yourself
- Have I been allowing my past to decide my future?
- Do I allow nervousness or fear to stop me from taking action?
- What risks do I need to take in order to reach for a deeper and richer life?
Like my
posts? Please follow
me on Facebook or Instagram under Recovery Enthusiast. I also have a podcast on
Anchor and Spotify under Motivations 4U. I'm also on YouTube; you can follow my
journey. And if you really can't get enough of me, you can check out my courses
on recoveryenthusiast.com
As always,
stay blessed and live your life Enthusiastically!!
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