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Strengthen Your Brain: Secrets for Middle-aged People

 Most people consider getting their bodies in better shape. But few people think about growing their intellect. However, a mind is a terrible thing to waste! 

Yes, it's important to keep your body healthy and fit. But put the rest of your available exercise time toward building your intellect! Just like a muscle, if you don't use it, you'll lose it. Seniors that keep sharp and exercise their mind continuously are healthy and less likely to have memory issues as well as brain deteriorating diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. The most important thing about intellectual exercise is you need to challenge the mind. The techniques below are exercises that challenge and strengthen your brain, much like when you lift weights, you strengthen your muscles.


Try these techniques to build greater intellectual capacity:


  1. Read. Reading is great. You can often find out more about a topic in a few hours of reading than you can in a lifetime of experimenting on your own. There are smart people that write books and condense their knowledge into a few hundred pages for the rest of the world to read.

  2. Debate. Debating with others forces you to consider every perspective and to organize your thoughts. You have to think on your feet and build persuasive arguments. Keep it friendly, though!

  3. Develop your memory. All the knowledge in the world won't help you if you can't remember it. One simple way to strengthen your memory is doing things you a different way than you usually do. Most of what we do is through autopilot. We don't even think about it. It's habitual, which isn't bad because it leaves our minds open to concentrating on more important things. But when it comes to strengthening your memory, it's good to challenge your brain by doing things differently. For example, if you are right-handed and brush your teeth with your right hand, try brushing your teeth with your left hand. Also, you can take a different route home from work. These are just some examples. There are plenty of books and other resources on how to enhance your memory

  4. Develop your artistic talents. You can't just cram a lot of facts into your head. There's more to your intellectual growth than that. Work on your artistic talents, too. Paint, draw, use clay, whatever your medium is, get creative. It doesn't matter if it's museum-worthy. The point to increase brain power and maybe even have some fun! Who knows, you may discover some hidden talent.

  5. Play a musical instrument. There's nothing that serves as a good substitute for music. Pick an instrument that interests you and begin the process of mastering it. Learning to play an instrument or relearning is a great and fun way to get the brain juices flowing.

  6. Sleep enough and eat well. Your brain needs sleep and high-quality food. You already know that, but you're probably not doing it. So here's a reminder 😊

  7. Spend time with intellectual people. Your peer group has been shown to affect your finances and career success. It only makes sense that your intellectual growth is impacted by the people you spend the most time with, too. Seek out open-minded people with a curiosity about the world.

  8. Learn a new language. This will really give your brain a workout and expose you to a new culture, too. Consider the Japanese word "komorebi." It means "the sunlight that filters through trees." There isn't a word in English that comes close. The fact that the Japanese even have a word like "komorebi" tells you something about their culture.

  9. Calculate in your head. Have you noticed that you can't do calculations in your head as well as you used to? You can reverse that trend right now. Start at 1,743 and count backward by 6's. Too easy? Subtract by 27's

  10. Be minimalist. Too many responsibilities, activities, and possessions create a muddled mind. Cutting back will free up a lot of mental capacity for more meaningful things. Eliminate the non-essential from your life.

  11. Follow your enthusiasm. It's very challenging to do things that don't interest you. There are plenty of ways to experience intellectual growth without making yourself miserable. Leverage your interests.


You can continue to grow your intellect long after you're unable to improve your physical abilities. A strong intellect is more valuable in today's world. It's the Bill Gates, Elon Musks, Warren Buffetts, and Jeff Bezos that rule the world, not the winner of the Olympic decathlon. Can you even name the last winner without cheating?


Building your intellect will enrich your life. It's a never-ending process that you can begin today and reap the benefits from for the rest of your life.


Like my posts? Please follow me on Facebook or Instagram under Recovery Enthusiast. I also have a podcast on Anchor and Spotify under Motivations 4U. And if you really can't get enough of me, you can check out my courses on


As always, stay blessed and live your life Enthusiastically!!



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