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Heal Yourself and the World

When life becomes a tangled web of negative news, upsetting emotions, and work overload, it's hard to find ways to feel better. Sometimes, the only thing you can do is hang on and take every step to keep your mind and emotions positive.  

One way to psychologically heal yourself is to perform random acts of kindness. The really cool thing about doing random acts of kindness is that you feel great, and someone else feels blessed, too. By one simple act, two people will feel better about their lives. 

Why not heal yourself and someone else through practicing kind acts? Try some of these suggestions or think of your own lovely favors to do for others.


Deposit money in a vending machine and walk away. If you work in a setting with food and beverage vending machines, a wonderful, inexpensive way to give someone's day a lift as well as your own is to deposit money in a machine and leave it for the next person.

Whoever approaches the machine will see there's money "waiting" for someone to make a product selection. They'll get a free bag of chips or beverages of their choice.

Help someone carry or load groceries into their car. Step in to help a person tote items from a store to his vehicle. In the event, the store has rolling carts for customers to use, offer to help an elderly person move the groceries from the cart into the car.

Open doors for others. Although there are still some who open doors routinely for others, it seems this simple random act of kindness has widely gone by the wayside. It does raise one's spirit when someone takes the time and effort to open a door.

Invite a person who lives alone for an impromptu dinner. Maybe you've just prepared your family's favorite winter stew. Will having one more person at the table be okay? Send your spouse over to invite the person living next door for dinner. You'll most likely enjoy some interesting conversation and get to know your neighbor better.

Mail your grandparent a letter. Even though you tend to e-mail most people to keep in contact, your grandparents would probably love to get a "real" letter or handwritten card from you.

Sending such greetings monthly is one of the most low-cost random acts you can do that will bring a smile to your face as well as to the receivers.

Pitch in to assist your neighbor who's washing his car. With a little bit of elbow grease, you and your neighbor will be thrilled with the results of your random act of kindness.

Give something away that you don't use anymore. You know that television game system you don't play? There could be a child right in your neighborhood that would love to have it. Keep your eyes and ears open for what people around you say they want. You might own something you don't even use that would bring great happiness to others.

If you prefer, donate items to a charity.


Utilize your skills by teaching someone how to do something. Maybe it's that fancy textured wall painting technique you learned how to do last year. Perhaps you're a whiz using your new smartphone, and your friend just bought one and is totally perplexed.


There are probably people all around you who would love for you to demonstrate your skills.


Speaking of learning, sharing knowledge with others is a caring thing to do. For example, if you're an expert small business owner or an experienced poet, imparting knowledge to others brings light to their lives. One of the best random acts of kindness is sharing information.


When you engage in caring behaviors toward others, you and the receiver experience a special kind of jubilation. Help heal yourself and the world by practicing random acts of kindness.


Like my posts? Please follow me on Facebook or Instagram under Recovery Enthusiast. I also have a podcast on Anchor and Spotify under Motivations 4U. And if you really can't get enough of me, you can check out my courses on


As always, stay blessed and live your life Enthusiastically!!



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