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7 Simple Ways to Make Your Day More Productive


There are only so many hours in a day. Being more productive means getting more out of the limited time we have available. Despite how productive you might already be, odds are you can enhance your productivity even more. Being more productive can lead to having more time available for life’s more enjoyable activities. Your boss will likely be pleased, too.


These simple ideas can lead to higher levels of productivity: 

1.     Use a timer. Before starting a task, take a moment to assess how long it should take. Set a timer for that amount of time and get busy. Using a timer has multiple benefits: 

·       It provides an obvious stopping point. You don’t need to watch the clock.

·       You’re less likely to allow distractions to become an issue. It’s easier to put all those distractions aside until the timer sounds or the task is complete. Maybe even put them or yourself in a seperate room!

·       A timer is a wonderful tool for focusing your mind on the task at hand. Try it, and you’ll see how much it helps. A timer seems to be especially effective for those with attention and focus challenges.  

2.     Avoid perfection. Tasks require different levels of quality. You wouldn’t spend 10 minutes trying to get a postage stamp perfectly aligned in the corner of an envelope. As long as it’s somewhere in the top right corner, the letter will get to the proper destination. 

·       You’re likely giving some tasks too much time and attention. Ask yourself how good it needs to be and refrain from doing significantly more. 

3.     Make a to-do list and prioritize. A to-do list forces you to think about what needs to be done. Prioritizing that list will work even better. The 3 most important tasks are usually more important than all the other items on the list combined. Check off each task as you go, and enjoy tracking your progress.

4.     Create your to-do list the day before. Instead of waking up and trying to figure out how you’re going to spend your day, take a little time at the end of the day to create tomorrow’s to-do list. Your mind will be free to tackle the first task immediately the next morning. You might find you sleep better too!

5.     Embrace technology. You’ll probably find it’s faster and easier to record your ideas or create your lists using your phone, Ipad, or tablet. There are many apps out there and now word dox has a mic for you to record your wisdom. I absolutely love it!. I especially love recording in the car. I'll get an idea and simply hit the record on my phone and brainstorm away!!

·      Ask yourself if your electronic gadgets make sense for the task-at-hand.

6.     Close your e-mail and other distracting apps. Making a quick check of your e-mail or Facebook account can quickly turn into 20 minutes or more of lost time. It can be more effective to schedule short, timed breaks to address these common distractions. When checking your email you might want to revert back to rule #1 and set a timer. I set a timer for checking emails and I also priorities them. I also set time limits on social media, they can definitely be a time stealer. And time you never get back!

7.     Limit yourself to one task at a time. Research shows that it’s much more effective to focus on one task at a time. Complete one task before moving on to the next. You’ll get more accomplished and stay focused. Multitasking is a myth. Research backs this up. "Multitaskers" not only gets less accomplished but their quality of work suffers as well. 

If you effectively use your time to enhance your work performance, you could also increase your leisure time. Simple ideas can have significant results. Experiment with different options until you find the strategies that are most effective for you.

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