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S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder

 S.A.D. is a type of depression that is seasonal and is usually prevalent in areas that have less sunlight during certain times of the year. Here in New England, that season is fall and winter. Many suffer and in various degrees. Your symptoms may include a change in mood: anxiety, apathy, general discontent, loneliness, loss of interest, mood swings, or sadness—other symptoms such as excessive sleep or sleep deprivation, even insomnia. Body aches, fatigue, and appetite changes with weight gain often occur. Also common are irritability, social isolation, lack of concentration, and of course, depression.

S.A.D. can be self-diagnosed,, and there are many treatments for it. If you suffer from these symptoms, you can see your doctor, and he/she will probably prescribe some medication, and sometimes that medication helps. I'm writing this today because I too suffer from S.A.D. I take that back. I used to SUFFER, now I take steps to help alliviate the symptoms and in a more holistic way. 

Disclosure: I am not a doctor and can not diagnose or prescribe any type of treatment. I am simply a woman in recovery from alcoholism and also have bouts of depression, including S.A.D. I suggest tools and techniques that I have used that help me and suggestions I have given clients that they report help them. The clients I refer to are people also in recovery from addiction (drug/alcohol).

First of what causes S.A.D.? Basically, it is a reduced level of sunlight during the fall and winter months. I feel it is exacerbated by the cold weather, which hinders one from going outside, thus reducing the amount of sunlight absorbed further. This reduced natural light disrupts your body's internal clock and drops in serotonin levels (the feel-good chemical) that affects one's mood.

So what are some of the things I do? Well, the first step is to recognize it for what it is. Having a diagnosis or an explanation helps address any issue and certainly knowing your specific symptoms (how it affects you personally) and when it usually begins. For me, it usually begins late November early December, so right about NOW! One of the things I do is move! It can be very difficult to do this when you are feeling fatigued and depressed but I try not to think, just do. It helps to make a commitment to do something and hold myself accountable. Today I was not feeling like getting out of bed. I texted my daughter to ask if she wanted to go shopping with me. I did not want to go out or go shopping but I know from past experiences that once I get going I'll get motivated and at the very least feel good about myself after. 

Let me caution you. If you for whatever reason can not commit, DON'T beat yourself up. That will definitely not make you feel good. Do what you can  and always try it again another time. This might seem like a cop out but I assure you beating yourself up will only prevent you from making any future commitment to avoid disappointing yourself. 

I feel the "getting started" is the biggest struggle so I like to practise Mel Robinns' 5 second rule. Which is count backwards from 5 then take action even if its just making your bed. By counting backwards you interrupt you thinking and by moving you change physiologically and can fake your way into getting motivated and thus producing the serotonin you need to feel good. It's science not some fluff. I encourage you to at least try it. 

Of course the basics are also helpful; east healthy, drink plenty of water, and get the proper amount of sleep. But I find for S.A.D. the best thing I can do is move a muscle. If you need support around this ASK!! Don't expect people to be able to read your mind. We often put a lot of pressure on our loved ones to inherently know what we need at all times, "if they loved me they would know", that's crap and definitely not true. Ask for help, if they love you they will be happy to help and by the way helping people also produces serotinin so your helping them in return. If you don't have the support please send me an e-mail I will do my best to help you. You don't need to do this alone. 

So REMEBER make a commitment, ask for help and  MOVE A MUSCLE!!!!


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