We all deal with being overwhelmed from time to time. I think once identified, the most important thing you can do is chunk it down. Most people become overwhelmed when they start thinking of all the things they need "to do." I have learned that when making goals if you focus on the end result and the feeling you will have with that end result, not only are you more likely to complete the task at hand, you will do it more enjoyably. For example, I want to buy my own home. The end result? I wish to have is a place for my children and grandchildren to come visit, sort of a home base. The feelings attached to that is I am very close to my children, and I want to keep that connection strong and have a place to come if they need a respite. I also enjoy their company and don't want to be alone (not all the time anyway). The more I connect to that feeling I want from buying a home, the more likely I will commit to doing the things I need to do to get there, like saying no to buying new shoes lol. Ultimately the feeling I'll get from buying that house will be much more gratifying than a new pair of shoes.
The other thing that can trigger overwhelm is doubt. Doubt is really fear. Fear of not getting something you want or losing something you have. Sometimes I doubt my abilities and feel that I will waste a lot of time and money and not receive the "benefits," aka being successful and accomplishing my goals. The truth is, I will succeed, or I will learn, and each time I learn, I am one step closer to succeeding. Today I will not doubt, today I will chunk it down, today I will not make excuses; today, I win!!
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