Good morning ⛾. I sit here at 4 am to start my day. Yes, it is by choice. I have made a commitment, and by golly, I'm going to follow through. Since COVID hit, I've had to rethink my approach to becoming a motivational speaker and life coach. You see, I was developing skills to do lectures and travel the world, helping people, particularly people with substance abuse issues. Like many of you, COVID changes that completely. But it's not all dome and gloom. Due to COVID, I've been forced to do my schooling online. And due to COVID, I've had to get created with how I was going to motivate and help people.
I've mentioned before that I am now part of a mastermind platform. I have been developing an online course to help addicts and alcoholics deal with life, particularly with being overwhelmed in this pandemic. While creating this course and taking several attempts and redo's, I have developed a liking not only for course development but also for writing in general. Therefore I have decided I would like to write a book. WHOA! I know that is a big order, especially for someone that had learning disabilities in school. Well, at least that is what they told me, and I believed them.
I am learning to get out of my comfort zone. I am learning that I can do anything I want. I am learning!! I am excited about this new venture, even if it took 48 years to get here. I think that IS part of my journey. I needed the 48 years of experience to be able to do what I am doing. I say this for two reasons. I would love for you to check out my course on (when I am finished, and I'll let you know), and two, the world is forever changing. It never stays the same, and we either change and grow with it or stay stuck. Staying stuck is not healthy, and for an addict in recovery, it can be deadly.
My course takes a new approach to recovery with a way to help deal with the changing times. Even if you are not an addict or alcoholic, I think there is still some great stuff to be learned in my course. Because let's face it, our problems are the same, and there are many unhealthy coping skills people use to deal with them. Drugs and alcohol may have more severe consequences, at least in the short term, but there is a better way to live for all of us, a healthier, more fulfilling way.
I hope all of you are well and stay well. Be kind, stay blessed, and always do your best!
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